Taking a Narcissist Back

After no-contact.

Sophia Bell On Medium
2 min readMar 10, 2023
Donald Giannatti unsplash.com

So you took the narcissist back.

After they groveled, begged and pleaded.

They cried and promised change.

So much so, that they managed to convince you of an intense level of remorse they’re experiencing.

You felt they really learned their lesson now and it would be safe to take them back now.

Success guaranteed.

Then before you know it, the narcissist dishes out an insult.

Their demeanor nothing like the day before, when you decided to give them another chance.

You’re baffled by the narcissist’s audacity.

What does this mean?

I’ll tell you what it means.

It means you should brace yourself.

Because you’re about to be insulted and degraded on another level.

If you took this narcissist back after no contact, this is what that narcissist is gonna do:

  • Start right back at devaluing you, but worse.
  • Make you feel rejected and worthless, like you tried to do them.
  • Cheat on you with a fucking passion.

