When You Confront the Narcissist

But don’t leave.

Sophia Bell On Medium
1 min readJan 19, 2024
Photo by Afif Ramdhasuma on Unsplash

Confronting a narcissist with their behavior, whether it’s their abuse, lies or cheating, is completely useless if you don’t leave them in the same breath.

The narcissist will treat you like a clown if you decide to stay despite whatever you concluded.

The narcissist doesn’t care about you telling them that you know anything about them.

The narcissist figures that whatever the hell you know, doesn’t bother you in the least.

They figure you'll gladly accept it in return for their company.

Therefore they must be very important to you.

They figure that because you're not leaving.

You accept being clowned.

Therefore you’re a clown, according to the narcissist.

And so the narcissist will start treating you as such.

Anything that doesn’t involve leaving the narcissist, will never be taken seriously.

And that’s exactly what leads to you feeling like you’re losing more and more of your dignity throughout the relationship.

People find it extremely hard to forgive themselves for staying with the narcissist for as long as they did.

And that’s because of the above described scenario.

Once you find out, you have to leave.

For your own sake.

