The Trauma Bond

And how to break it.

Sophia Bell On Medium
2 min readMar 9, 2023
Becca Tapert

It seems one of the hardest things you’ll ever have to do in your life.

Breaking the trauma bond.

It completely puzzles many and leaves them in a state of despair.

What is this?

Why can’t I get over this?

I’ve never had this much trouble accepting a break-up.

It’s never hurt this much.

In order to understand what it is exactly that you’re dealing with, let’s first explain the trauma bond.

A trauma bond is created when a person is subjected to abuse, alternating with intermittent reinforcement.

Due to an over-exposure of mood-altering hormones in the person's brain, a chemical dependency forms.

The addiction area of the brain is affected and the person develops a chemical dependency on oxytocin, serotonin, dopamine, cortisol and adrenaline.

A trauma bond is a literal addiction.

Just like a cocaine, or heroine addiction.

Your brain is damaged, like a drug users’ brain is.

It's longing for a fix.

Withdrawal is physically and mentally…

