The Narcissist Was Over You

A long time ago.

Sophia Bell On Medium
2 min readJul 6, 2024
Photo by Jernej Graj on Unsplash

Narcissists don’t need time to get over a break-up.

You can’t grieve a relationship that you weren’t in.

And you can't grieve an attachment that you never had.

Narcissists don’t emotionally attach.

Narcissists start doing their thing, long before they explicitly show you that they are.

They have no attachment to you, feel zero responsibility, commitment or loyalty towards you and they really don’t like you at all.

As soon as lovebombing ends, the narcissist starts hating you with a passion.

That resentment is irreversible and inevitable.

They keep you on for something to use until something better (which can be something worse, yet better because it's not you) is found.

Once that’s found, you’ll not only be hated for the person you are, but for your utter uselessness as well, the lack of your supply.

Monstrosities and atrocities start piling up, until the narcissist can’t stand to see your face a second longer.

Disapproved of, by every fibre of the narcissist’s being, you’ll be tossed aside like the trash they feel you are.

Then they grieve the lost time they spent on the relationship.

But not the relationship.

They haven't been in that relationship for as long as you've been begging for the narcissists approval.

The relationship they started while you were trying to talk sense into the narcissist, is, now, much better.

Yet it awaits the same fate.

