The Aggravation Of Gaslighting.

The worst irritation you’ll ever feel.

Sophia Bell On Medium
2 min readApr 15, 2023

Some people aren’t sure if they’re being gaslit or not.

Which, ironically enough, is a result of being gaslit.

Gaslighting feels like you’re fighting the most useless fight you’ve ever fought.

Merely to get a point across.

Here’s are some gaslighting experiences, see if you recognize some of these situations:

  • The narcissist trying to make you finding out about something, the problem, instead of them doing whatever you found out.
  • The narcissist telling you they’re “worried about you”, as if you’re insane for believing the truth.
  • The narcissist blaming your angry behavior on your mental state, instead of on themselves and their actions.
  • The narcissist telling you that they did tell you something significant, but you “forgot”. Then continuing to talk about your deteriorating memory.
  • The narcissist telling you that you didn’t see something you clearly saw, then using the fact that it’s now deleted, as proof of you never seeing it.
  • The narcissist yelling in your face that they would “never do that to you”, when you just found out that they did do that to you.

