Are You a Narc Magnet?

Here’s what you’re doing.

Sophia Bell On Medium
3 min readNov 23, 2022 Creative Stuff

I was talking to a friend of mine the other day about her only attracting narcissists.

Not only in the romantic department, but also in her social circle.

It’s narcissist after narcissist.

Everytime she has a friendship going on, or meets a new love interest, they turn out to be narcissists.

So we were discussing why these narcissist are so drawn to her.

How do they know from the start that she’s a right fit for them?

So I tell her, you know Carolina, you do tend to be very cooperative.

She asked me what I meant by that.

I continue to tell her that she lets people push her around.

She does things she really doesn’t feel like doing, just to not piss the person off.

One example is, an acquaintance came to visit her recently, well, not her really, but Los Angeles, the city she lives in.

That person came with her husband, they were staying at a hotel.

To then start calling my friend everyday to ask her to pick them up and go to some attraction, or sight seeing place with them.

